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In the last years we bought many Elenos transmitters.

After going on air, we tried to link Elenos transmitters to our monitoring system (Algorab Aube) and use transmitter’s and Echos6’s web interfaces to execute manual change operations. We discovered that the MIB file describing SNMP points was not complete and the web interface was not so easy to use.

Elenos helped us with a new firmware version of Ebox, now we have it running on all our transmitter. New web interface has got many new features:

  • All critical transmission system parameters are clearly displayed under “monitor” page. Even the least expert user could be able to understand which of the transmitters is on-air, if any failure is occurring or if backup transmitter is running.
  • Better user management
  • IE9 browser full compatiility
  • More parameters
  • Multilanguage
  • Customer can upgrade future versions of firmware by himself (easy update)

SNMP modul with MIB updated works pretty good and the link to our Auge monitoring system is now running without any problem.

Thanks a lot to Elenos for understanding our troubles and for taking care of our tips during the development of the new Ebox firmware.

Thanks A Lot To Elenos For Understanding Our Troubles
en English
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